Getting criminal convictions car insurance couldn’t be easier. Most mainstream insurance providers dont offer car insurance with a criminal record so complete our 30 second form and let the panel of specialists provide tailored quotes just for you. Fair prices...
If you have been convicted of a crime, you may be worried about how this will affect your ability to find car insurance. Our handy guide answers the most common questions about criminal convictions car insurance if you have one. What is classed as a criminal...
Having a criminal conviction on your record can affect many areas of your life, from finding a job and renting a property, to applying for loans and credit cards. What you might not realise, is that it also has an impact on your ability to get car insurance with...
1. Do I need to disclose my convictions? You’re required by law to disclose any ‘material facts’ when taking out criminal convictions car insurance and this includes any unspent convictions. The same applies to anyone else who’s covered in the...